Tuesday, December 28, 2010


So Iam typing this from my kindle. Pretty neat. also a pain. The Kindle was not madef for fat fingers like mine to be typing. Awesome for reeading books though.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

My Civic Duty

So I went and voted today. It was a small local election, but I was proud to be part of the 3% who cares anyway. Actually this may be a little bigger here as it is the mayoral election. Unfortunately the only real source I had for the two candidates' positions was the IU student newspaper which seemed to think I cared how they felt about taxes on alcohol. (I don't.)

Anyway, when I walked in I felt like a hero since there was one (1) of me and 6 (six) volunteers waiting for me. By golly were they happy to see me. VIP treatment and everything. Ok, not really, but they were ecstatic to have someone there. Since there were only four races and two of them were uncontested, it was a breeze. I was out like a flash, and then I went got my oil changed.

All in all a very constitutional day.

Psychological disorders

So I am totally screwed. Today I went into the kitchen to decide what to cook for dinner. I opened up the freezer for some inspiration, and literally the next thing I know I am standing by the counter eating chocolate ice cream straight from the container and daydreaming. I absolutely have no idea how I got there. I do know I ate a bout 1/4 of a box of ice cream before I knew what was going on.

I am not ashamed to say that once I came to my senses I snagged one last scoop of chocolatey goodness before returning the box to the freezer. It's good stuff.

I'd say I need help, but that stuff is TASTY.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

A Minor Correction

So in my last post I claimed that my whole family is blogging now. This is false. Only a few of the sister-in-laws are blogging.

and my dad.

go figure.

Yeah, I'd jump too.

So I set up a blog on livejournal in 2000. I just checked and I have posted there exactly 0 times. But hey, everyone else in my family has decided to set up a blog so I figure I'll throw myself to the wolves with everybody else.

Of course a requisite trait to having a successful blog seems to be having something funny to say.

oops. guess we'll see how long this lasts then.